Exploring The Natural World

With schools & colleges

What happens during our workshops with students?

Our nature walks are designed in a manner that allows students to spend a considerable amount of time close to the natural ecosystems, while making certain free-minded and guided observations around a given theme. These themes allow scope for technical, process oriented and creative discussions.

The field visits give students a chance to collect specimens that can later be studied. We provide each student with a small collection box, a pair of forceps, gloves, ocular lens. If collection is not possible, students can also take photographs of their findings when in the field. This is pretty exciting for children to do. They collect all sorts of things like seeds, flowers, dead insects, nests and so much more. 

We encourage students to share their observations with the larger scientific community through our citizen science project on the iNaturalist App. This exercise gives students access to a wonderful community of naturalists that they
can stay connected with even after the workshop is over.

Students will also get a chance to see our biodiversity collection that includes hundreds of things from the forests of Palampur!

Wish to come to our village with your students?

We regularly take requests from schools to conduct workshops for their students and teachers. Please get in touch with us if you wish to invite us on your campus or wish to visit our village for a workshop.