Volunteer with us!

Start Your Own Adventure by Helping us in Ours!

We are always on the outlook for passionate people to help us with our work. If you are someone who is keen to join us for photography assignments, field visits for specimen collection, documentation, camp management or media assignments, drop us a quick line at lifemeetsthelens@gmail.com and we will get in touch with you at the earliest! 

Don’t hesitate to write even if you are not quite sure of ways in which you can help but still wish  to volunteer. We would be happy to help and collaborate! 

Natural History Story Weaver 

We are looking for individuals who love to understand and explore more about the stories of different species that exist on this planet. Every species on this planet has a reason for its existence, the form in which it exists, the way it behaves and interacts with other species. We want to build these stories in a simple yet interesting manner for the people around us.

Wildlife Illustrator

We are looking for volunteers who love to express his or her respect towards nature through art. We have a collection of different types of specimens in our museum and want to build a library of illustrations of them. You will also get an opportunity to explore the natural world around us which will definitely enhance your creativity. 

Organization of Data and Blog Writing

We manage to have a plethora of images that need to be organized every few months or so. We also write stories about the ones that /blogs about our field visits and workshop experiences.

Camp Management

We organize three to four day long nature exploration residential camps for children and adults every now and then. Do drop us a line if you wish to volunteer for these camps.